On Tuesday 17 May, the CNA organized, as part of the “European Maritime Days” and “Ravenna Seaside Events“, the conference entitled “The role of road transport in the logistical system of motorways of the sea”.

The President of CNA FITA Ravenna Laura Guerra introduced and led the evening, stressing the importance of the initiative and thanking the Municipality of Ravenna for organizing this important day of reflection and discussion on the theme of the blue economy.

The Councilor for Port Annagiulia Randi brought the greetings of the Municipal Administration underlining the great work that the city is doing in support of the motorways of the sea. “Strengthening the motorways of the sea means believing in a more sustainable future of road transport. I also thank the entrepreneurs from Ravenna who have shown themselves to be very sensitive to the issue and who increasingly choose these methods: thanks to the specialization of port services, Ravenna has assumed a primary and strategic role in the country’s logistics chain ”.

The speech by Massimo Costa, Consultant of the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, focused on the theme of the Marebonus, explaining its operational characteristics and the results obtained with this facility. The orientation of the Ministry and the guidelines for the next edition of the incentive, which will have a new name, will provide for the payment of the bonus also directly to road hauliers who choose the motorways of the sea, reducing the impact of their services on the environment. .

Then, Mauro Concezzi, national secretary of CNA FITA, took the floor, affirming: “the motorways of the sea have brought great benefits not only to Ravenna but to the whole world because it significantly reduces CO2 emissions. There are, however, many critical issues that need to be addressed: the homogenization of information systems and access to ports, the very high cost of freight rates and parking spaces, adjustments to fuel and toll costs and the still insufficient contributions to businesses. . Road transport is the keystone of the logistics system of the motorways of the sea: much has already been done but the margins for improvement and the potential are still enormous “.

This was followed by the intervention of Daniele Rossi, President of the Port System Authority of the central-northern Adriatic Sea, who stated that “our port system has definitely invested in this type of intermodal transport and plays a leading role with the experience of the Ferry Terminal on the Ravenna Brindisi Catania line, constantly recording an increase in connections and goods transported as proof of the validity of the intermodality of transport. Intermodality is, in fact, the center of the Authority’s operational plan for the next three years. The PNRR funds will be strategic to further improve the entire logistics system. “.

The conclusions of the initiative were entrusted to Massimo Mazzavillani, Director General of the CNA of Ravenna: “CNA was one of the first supporters of the motorways of the sea and of the intermodality of transport, and Ravenna is the demonstration of the strength of this integrated and complete with logistics. The issue of intermodality is central to the investments and development that are taking place. For our port system it is a moment of great growth and ferment, and it must be exploited to the fullest to confirm and strengthen the central position of the Port of Ravenna in terms of size, traffic, relationships and opportunities “.

The ECO-NautiNET PLUS “Networks support for SMEs in the Nautical sector of the Adriatic-Ionian Region PLUS” project was presented at the opening of the event  by Maria Rosa Bordini. This project is supported by ADRION Program INTERREG V-B 2014-2020 – First call for proposals – funded under the European Regional Development Fund and IPA II fund. The overall objective of the ECO-NautiNET PLUS project is to further maximize the effectiveness and wide spread, on ADRION level, of the innovative ECO-NautiNET Cooperative Network of SMEs, Research & Technology Institutions, Business Support Organizations of the Nautical sector and enhance the practical transferability of this collaboration, network and management system to other related cross-cutting blue sectors.

The initiative took place as part of the “European Maritime Days” and “Ravenna Seaside Events”.

